Updates and Notes

Release Notes – Version:

Major Changes:

  1. Designed and Implemented “News”, which provides latest tech and powershell news.
  2. Implemented “Latest Updates” section to display latest release and release notes.
  3. Made multiple changes to allow for more of an user friendly, end-user focused, experience.
  4. Updated many premium functions to integrate with the existing “Agent Configuration” tab.
  5. Redesigned the entirety of Helping_Hand to not require interaction with Azure DevOps after intial setup.
  6. Created “Settings” area to Enable/Disable Helping_Hand service.
  7. Adjusted Job threading to send Agent jobs to their own thread within the application thread for efficiency.

Minor Changes:

  1. Adjusted multiple functions.
  2. Added bible.com verses to starting tab.
  3. Modified loops for more efficiency.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed bug that prevented any configurations to be uploaded to Azure DevOps; Default branch changed.

Known Bugs:

  1. Known Bug – Jobs do not run as scheduled and seem to be skipped.

Future Updates:

  1. Complete integration from app to Azure DevOps. Simple interaction and management for multiple agents.
  2. Ability to send remote commands to devices.

Additional Notes:

  1. None